Texas Renters Insurance

Find companies that offer renters insurance in Texas.

apartment building

Renters Insurance

Do you need renters insurance if your landlord has insurance? Yes! Your landlord's policy covers their investment which is the physical property in case of fire or other types of covered damage, but it doesn't cover your personal items.

Not all companies offer renters insurance either. Do some research to understand if you are paying a fair price or missing out on discounts.

Most policy providers you can go to directly online and get quotes.

If you do get renters insurance make sure you inventory your personal property. Take pictures of each item you would want replaced in the event of a fire. Also keep a running list of the cost of each item. If you do have receipts or appraisals for pricey items it's wise to keep a digital record of that as well

There are apps that will help you do your inventory. Check out this great app Encircle for personal inventory management.